Slimming Tips: Supplements and Sleep- How to Slim Down and Stay Slim By Karen Morris

In the lead up to our Summer Slimming Challenge (Starting Monday 6th October!!) I wanted to write a blog about my top ways to reduce body fat and how to keep it off using supplements and yes, sleep! Too good to be true right?! I’d also like to thank you all for the absolutely wonderful response to the Slimming Weight Loss Herbal Extract Drops that are now available at Herbs Online Shop. The reviews have been heart-warming and I am so pleased to be able to help my patients in a natural, healthy and healing way. When it comes to weight loss, the right herbs can truly fast track your results without compromising your health. 

One of the key factors to understanding weight loss is the knowledge that results will show if you follow a healthy, sustainable process and that fast results do not have to be achieved in an unplanned, rushed, unhealthy way. When you look at your body and feel like you need to lose fat, what we often forget is that a lot of what we see as fat is just bloating, water weight and inflammation. Herbal tonics and Herbal Extracts can reduce these symptoms. The compounds within these herbs, specifically our Slimming Weight Loss Herbal, that act directly on reducing bloating and healing gut issues and therefore reducing inflammation within the body. 

Our Slimming Weight Loss Herbal is organic, natural and designed for your body with the highest quality premium herbs that get results you can see and feel. Herbal extracts are a proven way to kick-start fat loss in the body not only for the above reasons but also for the huge boost in minerals and micronutrients that become available to the body. If you are interested in learning more about the Slimming Weight Loss Herbal Extracts please do get in touch.

Now, onto why sleep is so important for weight loss! I’ve said it many times but I truly believe it is worth saying again, sleep is critical to weight loss. When we sleep, our body recovers, it repairs and it rejuvenates us. When we sleep, our body works at reducing cortisol, calming our nervous system and repairing things that we consciously do not even know need repairing. When we wake up, for a brief moment, we wake up with a clean slate. Our cortisol levels (stress levels) are low and we are unaware of the problems from the day before. It is not until a few moments later that we start to think about our previous day or what we need to do that day (before we even get out of bed!) and all of a sudden our stress levels start to rise and we are off in the “rat race” of the daily grind again. 

This sort of thinking is not conducive to weight loss or living a a truely healthy life. Dr. Joe Dispenza talks extensively about how to change this automatic thought process, and proves through his studies as a neuroscientist that when we sleep, our bodies are in a place where healing is available, but if we don’t sleep, we don’t heal. The really important factor here is to maintain the peace the body experiences during sleep, and we do this by changing the way we view our current reality and focusing on the future reality we want to create. If you want to become your healthiest self and can visualise yourself at a weight and fitness level that you desire to experience, and you maintain this feeling with excitement about becoming the new version of yourself (despite your current reality and what the scales say today) then you are on your way to creating this new version of yourself. In order to do this, we must manage stress and be sure we are getting enough sleep. If you want to burn fat and slim down,we need to manage your stress. High stress levels mean high cortisol levels in the body, and the higher our cortisol levels the harder it is for our body to burn fat. When we are stressed the body is not focused on fat loss because it is focused on keeping us alive, so fat loss becomes much more difficult as the body will hang onto stored fat cells in an effort to get you to fight or flee the issues that are causing you stress in the first place! Sounds complicated, but in fact it’s simple. Sleep will allow your body to heal, recover and rest. If we can focus on our mindset and be aware of limiting thoughts that automatically pop into our minds in the moments after waking from sleep, we can maintain the peace and calm within our body (this is a skill we get better at each day the more we focus on it). Being aware of our limiting thoughts and beliefs around our weight loss or other goals/desires will enable us to change these thought patterns and start choosing new ones. As we do this, we naturally begin to feel more loving towards ourselves and we can begin to lower stress levels which inturn help us to lose more excess fat the body does not need.

Through proper supplementation like the power of herbal extracts, and a commitment to earlier nights in bed and more sleep, we can truely see huge improvements in our health and weight loss efforts. If you are having trouble sleeping please do get in touch, I have some wonderful herbs that can help with this too.

We offer hypnosis sessions in clinic or via Skype to assist with weightless, anxiety reduction and sleep quality. Hypnosis in conjunction with our Slimming Weight Loss Herbal will give you the clarity and motivation to kick start your best you!

Monday we begin our 12 week Herbs Online Shop Summer Slimming Series so stay tuned, more info on that is coming over the next few days. As usual, if you have any questions please give me a call on 02 9555 5117 and if you’re not already why not follow Herbs Online Shop on both Instagram and Facebook for more health and well-being news as well as special announcements.