Now that the New Year is well and truly here, I’ve found a few clients still dealing with hangovers! Hangovers are a result of the body dealing with an influx of toxins from alcohol and the resulting dehydration that comes from having one too many! When we drink, it’s important to increase our fluid levels of non-alcoholic drinks (water is best) to prevent any hangovers. With that said, there are quite a few traditional remedies that I’ve been using for some time now when it comes to helping patients deal with the not so fun consequences of a hangover. Below are my top four picks for natural remedies, but before we get to them, my first point of call for anyone dealing with a hangover is to begin a detoxification protocol. My absolute number 1 recommendation for this is Hemidesmus Indica, a natural liquid herbal extract which you can find right here at This herb is one of the best-known detoxifying herbs that helps restore health to the body from both the inside and the outside.

Honey on Toast

Research conducted by Britain’s Royal Society of Chemistry says that the sodium, potassium, and fructose in honey (or maple syrup) on toast can significantly lessen hangover symptoms, if not alleviate them completely! This is due to the ingredients breaking down acetaldehyde. Dr John Emsley of the society said: “The happiness comes from alcohol; the hangover comes from acetaldehyde. This is the toxic chemical into which alcohol is converted by the body and it causes a throbbing headache, nausea, and maybe even vomiting. The hangover disappears as the acetaldehyde is slowly converted to less toxic chemicals. That’s the science”. Perhaps honey on toast might be a better option that bacon and eggs!

Asian Pear Juice

Aussie researchers have declared that Asian pears are a sure bet when it comes to curing a hangover. Researchers at Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) have published findings that just 220ml of Asian pear juice before alcohol consumption will significantly lessen the effects of a hangover. Head researcher of the study Manny Noakes said “It appears that the factors in Korean pears act on the key enzymes involved in alcohol metabolism, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) to speed up alcohol metabolism and elimination or inhibition of alcohol absorption”.

Red Ginseng

According to one study published on PubMed, red ginseng (a slow-growing, antioxidant rich herb) has been shown to relieve the effects of heavy drinking and subsequent hangovers in healthy men. After a study of 25 healthy men showed that red ginseng showed positive effects on the metabolism of alcohol it was concluded that “red ginseng relieves the symptoms of alcohol hangover”. At I have a wide variety of ginseng available, including American Ginseng and Korean Ginseng, why not give me a call so we can discuss which one is best for you!


Although you might feel like throwing up half way through a spin class, exercise is a scientifically proven way to cure a hangover! One 12-week study conducted at the University of Louisville involved injecting doses of either saline or alcohol into mice and making them run on the treadmill. Results showed no signs of mitochondria impairment in the mice that were given alcohol but only in the ones that exercised. So, if you’re feeling a little woosy, perhaps it’s time to head out for a walk!

As always, please feel free to get in touch with me via the contact page and if you’re not already, why not follow the @herbsonlineshop Instagram account and Facebook page and group. I post daily about my clinic, my top health tips and information about custom herbs and supplements, just for you.