Four Amazing Herbs For The Lungs

One Herb Blog per Day for Four Days

Astragalus – The Immune System Super Herb

Karen Morris

This week I would like to highlight a herbal extract that is perfect for supporting healthy immune function and fighting chronic infection. Astragalus – Liquid Herbal Extract herbal extract is created using the root of the Astragalus plant.  During a time when it is crucial we make health our first priority (and shouldn’t we always?!) Astragalus will help to increase endurance, improve stamina and the body’s ability to fight infection and will also enhance the immune function in the body. It is also a powerful herbal extract for raising white blood cell counts and has been shown to do so in cases of chronic leukopaenia. 

According to research on Astragalus – Liquid Herbal Extract has been shown to help kill bacteria and viruses in mice. Due to it’s ability to widen blood vessels which in turn pumps more blood and oxygen to the heart, Astragalus is known to improve overall heart health and function.

One serve (1ml) of Astragalus is equal to 1000mg of dry herb, we suggest calling us on 9555 5117 for a complimentary consult first, but typically an adult dose is 1ml one to three times daily.

If you are wanting to try some Astragalus – Liquid Herbal Extract please do get in touch or, if you would like to know more about any of our herbs and supplements give us a call on 02 9555 5117. At Herbs Online Shop we post direct to you, saving you time and money, simply place your order of herbs online or on the phone and we send your herbs and supplements to you the same day! Want to know more? Why not join the Herbs Online Shop community and follow us on Instagram @herbsonlineshop and Facebook, Herbs Online Shop.